There are times in life that no matter what we do, the results are undesirable or insufficient. For instance, your current relationship or work has yet to bring you peace, joy, and fulfillment. Why?
When your desires, decisions, and actions undermine God’s plan for your life:
Yes. Our reasons for wanting and doing tend to be “me” focused instead of God-focused. What that means is we prioritize our relationships and work above our relationship and service to God. It doesn’t mean much when our hearts and spirits are not renewed.
“The Cause” of nothing going right:
God has chosen to interrupt our lives to expose areas needing adjustments. For example, you are putting forth the efforts, but the returns are insufficient to meet all your needs. God allows the Devourer to eliminate leaving little.
It is written, God gives us instructions on what to do when this happens. Read the short message from Haggai in the Old Testament. Heaven and Earth are shut until we get some act right!!!
What are we to do?
In accordance with scripture, we are to consider our ways and the results obtained. Then we are to adjust our heart and priorities in relationships and work. For instance, Jesus prioritized using His time and efforts to represent God and demonstrate His love by destroying the works of Satan. He also would allow people who were not in agreement with God’s Will and Plans to leave His circle (including family and close friends). Love how Jesus loves. Put others’ souls above profit and give cheerfully to those unable to give back.
God’s response to us making the adjustments:
It is written that God promises when we work on our relationship with Him, He will be FAVORABLE towards us and the work. The result of us making the shift is God will be glorified on Earth, as in Heaven. God will turn things in our FAVOR!!! God will rebuke the devourer on our behalf.
Brotherly Suggestion (I must follow as well):
Put God and His Work as number one in your life above all and let all go who disagree. Wisdom: Don’t fight to keep them close!! God stirs the spirit of people (He has chosen) to desire, decide and act in agreement with His message (instructions). The Work is restoring, returning, and reconciling souls to God. May God bless the reader of this blog with a new heart and spirit – that all your needs are met through Christ Jesus.
~Your Brother in Christ