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“When God Filters the Men, He Draws.”

Writer's picture: Kevin Harrison Sr.Kevin Harrison Sr.

Freedom will not come by our genius but by God's Holy Spirit!

The testimony about Gideon (Judges 6 through 8) gives us, as men, an account of how to solve the problem of today.

Men disconnected from God

Consider the state of the world; poverty, sickness, and violence. History testifies that these were the results from created beings disregarding their Creator. Deceived by others whose hearts and minds have been corrupted by the lies and partial truths – told by Satan.

Satan, whether you choose to believe or not, has learned to use our desires, thoughts, and emotions to disconnect us from God. However, not all are outright disconnected from God. There are some men who keep things in perspective, by not judging others and minding their business. Unfortunately, they are men who too often conform with and tolerate the SYSTEM robbing the world of PEACE.

“What is the solution to this situation?” ~ Destroy the Reproachable thing and Render Satan's SYSTEM powerless to D.I.M the Lights!

Men who are drawn by the Trumpet

Learn the truth about the numbers and the majority rule concept. When the enemy grew in power and number, Gideon was overtaken by God’s Holy Spirit and blew the Trumpet to alert the people. History testifies that there were so many men of age to war in each tribe.

  • Manasseh – 32,200

  • Asher – 41,500 [A Total of 184,500 men drawn by the Trumpet]

  • Zebulun –57,400 (Taken from the number of men above 20; Numbers1)

  • Naphtali –53,400

Out of 184,500, only 32,000 chose to respond by following Gideon into battle to render the enemy powerless to use poverty, sickness, and violence to keep them enslaved and entangled in an unfavorable system. The numbers diminished when it came to doing something about the system crushing families. Men who at least are woke, but uninterested to use their talents and skills. Ignorance is a choice one makes to live in their own skin.

“How are we to answer this problem?” ~ Refuse to remain ignorant, do the research, and resist the majority rules BS. God is the deciding Factor!

Men who have proven worthy

Observe the men God declared worthy to be conquerors. For example, God said there were too many that followed Gideon (32,000). His reasoning was they will boast of their accomplishments by their own hands. This is a problem today because too many men see themselves as gods (not needing God the Creator). Therefore, God filtered them by addressing the men who were present but were afraid and trembling. For instance, struggling with whether God will or not cause you to be triumphant disqualifies you from this mission. Manipulated by thoughts contrary to God's Word (His Testimony, Promises, and Prophecy)

32,000 men became 10,000 men fit to continue on this mission. Still, too many men were following Gideon into battle to liberate Israel. God used a different method to filter the remaining men. He observed which ones would not be distracted by their needs being met. For instance, relaxing because you have everything you need proves you will bow down and conform to keep what you have. Manipulated by pleasures and comfort, being distracted from the mission at hand.

10,000 men became 300 men found worthy to continue and render the enemy powerless at the Hand of God. These 300 men are the men today who have Conquered themselves, are Loyal to God, stand Ready for whatever, Patiently await God’s decision, and with Excellence, they Prove God is God.

“It is God who confirms His chosen few ~ saying yes to God and believing He is real is good. But, God is raising a few men to carry out His plan to Liberate His people.”

I pray that God will reach the hearts and minds of men to cause us to Repent, Return, and Reconcile with God through Jesus and by His Holy Spirit, take back our homes and reunite our families.

Please hit the heart button if you agree with this message.

~Your Brother in Christ 21

“A session with your Brother.”


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